4 definitions by breadakita

The man, the legend himself. Finbar does not age, does not obey the laws of time, but does make horribly beautiful jokes. If something goes wrong he laughs. Probably because he’s not the one dying; his elegant crumb catcher (beard) keeps him alive.
Once you go Barry (Finbar), you never go back.

Oh look, that Finbar has a nice crumb catcher!

I really want Finbar's shoes.
by breadakita June 17, 2019
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The state during which one masters the art of naps, procrastination and excuses while being exposed to laughably high levels of stress, repeated mental breakdowns and a lack of social life. Also known as IB.
Random guy: "Hey Lucas, have you done th- "
Lucas: "Idk man, I'm trying to sleep."
by breadakita March 10, 2020
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The act of risking your life for the sake of one stupid, horribly delivered pickup line.
*goes skating on frozen lake*
*skates next to crush and starts stomping on ice*

You: "Ask me what I'm doing"
Crush: "What are you doing?"
You: "I'm breaking the ice"


Crush: "Oh yeah baby take me right now"

*you both fucking die*
by breadakita February 10, 2021
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This is an extremely well-known phenomenon among the mentally gifted. Those who are more mentally capable than their peers have a larger than average tumor in their skull. This tumor, due to its size and maliciousness is capable of doing more damage to the prodigies' brains than the average person. This occurs when these individuals leave the safety of their bed and are exposed to overly dynamic activities such as running, jumping, or the horrible agony of HIIT. Therefore, experts advise these gifted individuals not to expose themselves to any of these dangers. Highly common symptoms of such a tumor are headaches and/or laziness developing during or after the individual commits the sin of performing any of the above-mentioned endeavors.
Oh for fuck's sake - said Einstein - my Runner's Tumor is trashing my brain again!
by breadakita December 21, 2020
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