5 definitions by boothquake

A tasty dessert made when one mixes jello, pudding, and coolaid
"aint nothin' better than jellopuddingaid"
by boothquake November 23, 2007
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a fried food; a combination of a french frie and an onion ring
"hey look guys i made a magna carta"
by boothquake November 23, 2007
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a manly version of fantasia suitable for men to watch
"Tonight were going to white castle to play poker get drunk and watch Mantasia"
by boothquake November 23, 2007
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you or your friends pool house where you go to do things such as play poker or drink
"Hey man were going to white castle wednesday night"
by boothquake November 23, 2007
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1. A girl who is considered by her guy friends to be manly

2. An old wooden shoe

3. A qurious device created by Doctor Kenneth Noisewater
1. "Man, Tracy's girlfriend Erin sure is a poppolope."

2. "My poppolopes are killing me."

3. "Were gonna lose him i need a poppolope stat!"
by boothquake November 23, 2007
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