2 definitions by bob-the-builder-is-my-bae

The most annoying person in the entire world. if you do one thing wrong he will make fun of you for the rest of your life. he will constantly make fun of you for being short. He sucks. I try to be nice but it's so hard.

Doesn't do any work and is a brat.
Braydon: Hey shortie
Me: why do you have to be so rude?
Braydon: why do you have to be so short? ooh burn.
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Shirley is one of the greatest people you will ever meet, she is kind, generous and always there for you when you need her. If you have a Shirley in your life, you are the luckiest person in the entire world. Regardless of what you read about anyone named Shirley, she is the life of the party and the most amazing grandmother you could ever have.
Shirley is LEGIT
My grandma Shirley is AWESOME
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