185 definitions by black Flag

UK (Bristol) usage:-

The colaboration between Community at Heart, Bristol City Council and Government Offices South West. A bunch of foul, evil, rightwing, misbegotten, inbred, self serving, mindless officials; who are hell bent on destroying the local community in Barton Hill and it's environment.
Mcdadeism is a fine example of the axis of evil at it's worse.
by black Flag June 24, 2004
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London Brighton and South Coast Railway.
Founded in 1851 and incorporated into the Southern Railway in 1923
The LB&SCR's London terminus was Victoria Station
by black Flag June 2, 2004
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To place blind faith in your elected representatives with out holding them to account.

Something only a complete fool would do.
Too amny Americans Thrust their elected leaders.
by black Flag June 5, 2004
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UK slang - London

A mildly offensive term of abuse normally directed at the wife. Used in conjunction with words like daft, stupid, silly etc. Popularised by the Alf Garnet characture in the sitcom 'Til Death Do Us Part'
"You silly moo"
by black Flag May 29, 2004
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Uk slang, northern. A soft topped sports shoe. A plimsol. Also called gallosher, pump or loppie in other parts of the UK
Eee, gotta go doon shop and buy some dap's furt lad t' go t'school with.
by black Flag May 29, 2004
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The period of time in the public spotlight that Andy Warhol believed eveyone was entitled to. See Warhol Moment
"Your 15 minutes starts now..."
(Marriane Faithful, from the 'Broken English' album)
by black Flag June 27, 2004
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The Univercity of the West Of England. A top UK educational establishment in Bristol UK where Alan Mcdade first learnt the urban planning principles that gave rise to Mcdadeism.
The main UWE campus is at Filton in the North of Bristol.
by black Flag June 25, 2004
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