30 definitions by bill gates

A game where a bunch of guys gather around a piece of bread and masturbate upon it. The last man to cum, must then eat the aforementioned piece of bread.
We played Milktoast at Jimm's birthday party, and his brother Billy was gunshy, so he ate it.
by bill gates May 21, 2003
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Sexy, hot, wanted, desired man
Like the guy you dream about!
by bill gates September 7, 2003
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closed-minded hippy liberal who thinks she is right about everything and never is actually right about anything.
Also could mean lazy piece of hippy dung.
You are such a jan brummit, I am trying to tell you herpes is a bad thing.
by bill gates April 2, 2005
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Closed-minded tofu eatin' liberal who thinks she is right about every fucking thing and is never right about anything.Also could mean lazy piece of shit.
by bill gates April 2, 2005
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An english dish culminating the flavours of boiled rice or baked mashed potato or paste, and afterwards filled with vegetables or meat.
For example;
I bet Tristans' having cassarole for dinner tonight
Cassarole is Tristans' staple diet
by bill gates April 10, 2004
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vaginal cleaning device "also spelled douche"
by bill gates March 19, 2003
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