17 definitions by bill cauliflower

A tiny squirt of something, esp. used in cooking. More than a drop, but less than a dollop.
"Hey, how much of this hot chilli sauce do I need to put in the mixture...?"

"Just a squittance. Not too much, ok?"
by bill cauliflower December 16, 2016
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(n.) The kind of question you ask yourself when you're alone - and usually in total over-thinking mode - that leads you to invariably wonder about life, the universe, and everything.
Me: "To be or not to be? That is the question. Where is my life going? What the hell am i doing...?"
Also me: "Shut up and stop getting caught up in that soliloquery shit...!"
by bill cauliflower April 11, 2020
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The apocalyptic moment where robots finally transcend and improve their Artificial Intelligence to such an extent that they are all able to communicate with each other, banding together to finally defeat the humans.

This is a BAD thing.
"Hey Dennis, the whole Internet just shut down."
"Oh shit, don't tell me the mechaniclysm has finally happened...!!!??"
by bill cauliflower December 16, 2018
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