3 definitions by big shot ||

used by people who don't have maidens or members, as they need proof for everything.
"wow you said ratio the most"

"no proof 🥶🥶"
by big shot || May 22, 2022
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used by mfs who know the definition of ratio and don't have any other comebacks, and their father going for milk for quite a long time is a common occurance. also a sign of being maidenless and most likely no bitches either.
Guy1:"yoo my dad just came back with the milk"

Guy2" "ok and?🥶🥶"
by big shot || May 22, 2022
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a copy of the phrase "no bitches" but way more chad. no members meaning no members in any group/server you own, most used in discord. however, the people that do infact have members, probably don't touch much grass.
Guy1: "hey hows it going"
Guy2: "no members"
Guy1: "😢"

(accurate representation of them irl after no members has been said)
by big shot || May 22, 2022
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