10 definitions by benoitbarnes

Arab-Anglicism for the word Jew.
What's with everyone wearing Yahoudi scarves.
by benoitbarnes September 21, 2008
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A female you meet from an OL.
Where did you meet this new girl?
OL referral from her friend.
by benoitbarnes December 7, 2008
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OL abbreviation of: online.
Female you meet from the internet.
Guy are you going to meet that OL tonight?
Yeah prolly, her pic looks pretty good.
Do you want to BOA her tonight?
Nah guy, BOA is for 2nd meets+ you know that.
by benoitbarnes December 7, 2008
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Battle of appocalypse.
Attempt a 3sum with two guys and 1 girl.
Typically two guys are OGs and the female is an OL or OL referral.
Boa'ing involves anal into the girl and bj with the other guy same time. ATM is typically performed as well.
Guy are we going to boa tonight?
Dude I'm trying to, i have like 3 OL options, once I get confirmation I'll invite you to the lair.
by benoitbarnes December 7, 2008
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High point in life.
Something super amazing, super cool, level of extreme happiness and gratitude.
Guy I fucked this OL lastnight and it was so roof.
Why didn't you call me, we should have BOA'd her?
OMG dont be such a PPJ, you know the rules, BOA'ing after 1st meet.
by benoitbarnes December 7, 2008
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Super cool place to bring OLs and OL referrals in order to fuck them.
Typically consits of 42+ LCD TV, gaming console, good stereo system, leather couch, alcohol, trivial pursuit, cards, and other cool things.
Odds are against OLs versus OGs when they enter the lair. Typically they are seduced into sexual acts of enjoyment.
Guy you bringing this new OL to the lair?
Yeah man I think it's a shoe in to fuck her.
Dude let's BOA her instead, it will be roof.
You the know the rule, once an OL is in the lair they can never get out.
by benoitbarnes December 7, 2008
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Original Gangter.
Tough Guy.
Someone that is cool that you look upto.
Highest status of coolness.
I am an OG you are a JG. We are enemies.
by benoitbarnes December 7, 2008
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