4 definitions by bennthewolfe

A FarmVille Alarm is the mental timer inside your head which invariably causes you to drop whatever you are doing and run to your computer so that you can harvest your latest batch of crops. This reaction is completely compulsory and beyond voluntary control.
Minister: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife.
Me: Do you hear that? It's my FarmVille alarm. Gotta find some wifi before my shit wilts!
by bennthewolfe October 2, 2009
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(v.) A variant of the traditional shaming where the victim is completely painted purple.

*100 bonus points if you can find some white overalls
I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that I guess my friends are all sick of drawing sharpie penises all over my face when I pass out. The bad news is I woke up oompaloompainted.
by bennthewolfe January 25, 2008
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1. The overcrowding of inner city streets during lunch hour.
This minger just cut me off, but that's okay she's not going anywhere fast it's gridlocked in runch hour.
by bennthewolfe August 25, 2007
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A public light source like a street light or floodlights that turn off as you walk by them, instead of turning on like they are supposed to.
Drunk chick: "Hey I'm going home."
Helpful friend: "Make sure to take Main Street because there's that stalker light in the quad."
by bennthewolfe September 6, 2015
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