2 definitions by beer schooled

usually frequents the local Montgomery Ward in search of elastic wasted pants. she could very well be your arrogant, obese mother in florida who has only 3 months to live until her heart, and her ankles give out completely.
i'm scared of big fat pink ladies.

that big fat pink lady just reads schmaltzy books geared for caucasians..like Chicken Soup for the Big Fat Pink Lady Soul.
by beer schooled July 30, 2004
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oklahoma is located in the midwestern part of the u.s.
despite common assumption, oklahoma does have the wichita mountains and mount scott which is located near lawton, oklahoma. the beer percentage there as of Aug 1, 2004 is still 3%. so that is why many kids go to Texas to get they're drinks where it is 6%.
but they also have penny beer nights which is an excellent way to spend a Friday night.
the okc murrah building memorial is one of the most solemn places in american history..so go pay your respects if you're ever in town. it's very informative and respectful to the victims.
a bunch of definitions by people who've never been in oklahoma.

that's pretty stupid.

at least in oklahoma, if you find a handful of cool people, you know they're real and not like the millions of scenesters plaguing places like, say orlando.

penny beer night in oklahoma got me a DUI. but it was worth it, because the case was thrown out. thx OK!

the hicks in georgia are worse..simply because there are more of them and they're rude and stupid.

one good thing about OK, out of the many bad things, is the 1/2 and 1/2 store. you can find a prada dress there for $20 who there cares about big stupid names?
by beer schooled August 1, 2004
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