
Yiddish. of, pertaining to, or characterized by schmaltz. Overly emotional. Cheesy sentiment, grandiose passion usually accompanied by effusive or overly-demonstrative gesticulations.

Superlative combination of sincerity and sentimentality. Abundance of enthusiasm or excitement. Usually one-sided, always over-the-top. Can be misconstrued as meretricious in nature, though that's not usually the case.

Often off-putting.
"Strangers with that kind of honesty make me go the big rubbery one" Narrator, Fight Club
H. Helpington: Omigod! Thank you SO MUCH. You're freaking amazing! Life as I know it would cease to exist if you hadn't come along. When there was no other light in my life you, wonderful you, shined on. You kept me safe and sane and you helped me when I couldn't help myself. 'll be grateful to you always. Hookers should be so lucky to have a heart of gold like yours. I think I love you a little. Thank you friend.

ABB: Shut it. Don't make me bitch-slap the stupid out you. I friggin' hate it when you're schmaltzy like that. Jeez chri, you're not going gay on me are ya? I told you I'm not like that. Anyway, you're welcome. Now show me what you really learned about STFU.
by HelpyHelpington December 11, 2010
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