5 definitions by beba

crazzyyyy c0o ass hell..wild.
yo i was at that party yesturday, dat shit was banannas!!
by beba March 25, 2005
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heii guys this is for all the kids at MLMS.... i speak for all the people that have had something said about them on this site.... guys just dont waste your time written about us! if you have a problem with us just come up to us and tel us to our face.
donT wRitE crap about others its not write. Leave people like joey, myself, jessica and them alone. thats not right for you to judge when you dont know us! and for those who said i am a bitch.... im so sorry that you feEl that way their isnt much i can do right? well all i can say is that get to know all of us then you can talk! until then just keEp comments to yourself or say it to us to our faces.
by beba April 7, 2005
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A girl who loves makeup and thinks she is older than she is
Oh damnnn she's a Lannisha..
by beba February 27, 2017
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heii denyse....

well loOk soMeone FinaLly wrOte abOut yOu..... "HI GUYS" lol and "Heii N+++" lol your so coOl...
thanks for being such a great friend and for always being in a goOd moOd stay the same always and for ever!
by beba April 7, 2005
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Baby, let's sex it up!
by beba February 1, 2004
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