3 definitions by b rizzle

hotttest guys in the world, they are SOOOOOO fine. they are all so smart, rich, and fuckin hott. what else could you ask for
uhhh.. jared koscheski
by b rizzle December 20, 2004
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The most ghetto, coolest gang in history. consisting of a leprachaun, an italian, an asian, and a jew. they kick ass and they fight each other and if you mess with them, they'll kill you.
Bets totally just fucked that dude up
Fuh shur dude we shud bounce
by b rizzle May 7, 2005
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hahah sounds like you guys wrote those other definitions yourselves. haha well if you really have all that time then that just speaks for itself.

obviously just a bunch of horny girls who wish they were as hott as madeira girls.
my freind told me some foxcroft slut was giving him head and he said she had no idea what she was doing and it was so bad he just told her to stop. now how often does a guy tell a girl to stop giving him head...
by b rizzle December 20, 2004
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