3 definitions by avjvel3jfi3fq3

The radical notion that not all men are raping, demonic monsters but normal humans like you and me.

Masculists are for equal rights AND equal responsibilities between genders.

The main contrasts between feminism and masculism is that masculism does not embrace victimhood, doesn't want more privileges, doesn't deny the other genders needs and doesn't try to blame others for everything. Meaning no one is bad by default.

They want equal rights and equal responsibilities and neither a "patriarchy" nor a "matriarchy" but a democracy. If you dont want to steal from others , realize your shortcomings are not everyone else's fault and want to share burden and privilege between genders you are in essence a masculist (= gender equalist)
Masculism is for everyone. Don't buy into the blind hate of others.
by avjvel3jfi3fq3 August 7, 2016
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A person who blames the male as a gender for his or her own stupidity
Feminist 1: Damn I failed my last test.
Feminist 2: It doesn't matter that you didn't learn for it, your teacher is misogynistic, rapist monster for not letting you pass!

Feminist 1: right! Let's post on Facebook how unfair the world is and how brave we are for fighting injustice!
by avjvel3jfi3fq3 August 7, 2016
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Another word for being a cool kid.
instead of uncool you are beta male and instead of cool you are alpha male.
Guy1: I eat my chickens raw:
Guy2: That's so cool bro!

Guy1: I eat my chickens raw.
Guy2: That's so alpha bro, you are da real alpha male!
by avjvel3jfi3fq3 September 8, 2016
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