3 definitions by audreyfarber

"One last one" used to define that last drink (or whatever) your friends talk you into at the end of a party when you know you shouldn't. Usually used repeatedly during the same occasion. Chronic offenders granted membership in "the OLO Club".
"I guess I could stay for an olo"
by audreyfarber December 11, 2006
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The group of people, knowledgable & otherwise, dedicated to answering questions on Yahoo Answers for whatever status they think it brings them.
We have Wikipedia and Answers.com, so why would I ask the Yahooscenti?
by audreyfarber February 20, 2007
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The group of people, knowledgable & otherwise, dedicated to answering questions on "Yahoo Answers" for whatever status they think it brings them.
We have Wikipedia and Answers.com, so why would I ask the Yahooscenti?
by audreyfarber February 18, 2007
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