3 definitions by arc-zen

A passage of the bible people will cite or mention to condemn homosexuality, specifically being gay. The most well known example is Leviticus 18:22.
Clobber passages? How about I clobber your head in?”
by arc-zen July 6, 2023
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an Untrained Natural Musician: a person that is an amateur or not well versed in music and its terminology, but somehow have a way of singing and playing instruments (provided they know how) beautifully, and might "even be excellent harmonizers, songwriters, composers, or improvisers." (Brad Harrison Music on YouTube)
"That guy is a total UNM. He's been singing for the last hour and I hate how he sounds so good."
by arc-zen February 27, 2023
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A BANO, "Birthdays and National Anthems Only," is a type of person who exclusively sings "Happy Birthday" and nation's anthems with a little or a lot of skill and effort. They seem to be only good at singing (or playing) these, and fail to play or sing anything else with as much skill.
"Man, he's such a fucking BANO. I should really stop inviting him to my birthday parties."
by arc-zen February 27, 2023
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