14 definitions by agentsteve

A system of measurment in which a higher number indicates a smaller size. Most commonly used for wires and shotgun shells (the gauge refers to the size of the pellets in the shell, not the shell itself), but can be used for anything relatively small
A 12 gauge is more powerful than a 20 gauge

A high gauge extention cord will set your house on fire
by agentsteve July 30, 2005
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Proof that Paris Hilton's talentless whoreishness is contagious.
Lindsay Lohan should serve as a warning to others: Hang out with Paris Hilton and you'll become a talentless anorexic whore just like her.
by agentsteve August 17, 2007
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A subwoofer (the speaker in a stereo that creates all the low notes and vibration) according to Snoop Dogg
"It sounds so viciously when tha thump in tha trunk go bump bump bump"
Snoop Dogg - Snoop D-O-double-G
by agentsteve July 23, 2005
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Some rapper from the '90s, only track I can remember is "back back"

i know this def sucks, but its the only one so live with it!
by agentsteve January 12, 2005
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Formerly the idea that the government could buy your house and use the land for a road or school or park or something that bennefited the public. Recently redefined by the supreme court as communist style thing that lets the government take ur house and sell the land to Wal-Mart so they can collect more taxes
Eminent domain seems more and more like something only commies would do.
by agentsteve July 3, 2005
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A rifle that's never been fired, since the French pussy out of every war.
Bill: "How do you know that post-WWII rifle has never been fired?! It looks like a military weapon and it must be 50 years old!"

Ted: "It's a French Rifle."

Bill: "You must be right."
by agentsteve October 19, 2006
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An event in which big car-shaped billboards, bearing the names of hundreds of corporations, are somehow driven around a track at very high speeds by smaller, human-shaped billboards
I don't understand how NASCAR does it. How do they get those billboards to go around the track so fast?
by agentsteve September 23, 2006
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