21 definitions by aaronak


This acronym is a retort to the popular (yet stupid) online phrase, lmao. It exposes the obvious stupidity of the concept of laughing one's own ass off.
hoeusmasrte>> I kik him in nuts!
goodkitee10>> LMAO
Joseph>> LYABO
by aaronak August 19, 2004
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A bitch. Used primarily when trying to sound like a pirate.
Aargh, ye scurvy she dog! Why don't ye show ol' Captain Jack yer booty?
by aaronak May 2, 2006
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A woman who is dressed up in a pointed hat, has a long nose, has a wart, and who is made of wood. They are often burned, and can turn people into newts (but they might get better).
"If she... weighs... the same as a duck... she's made of wood!"
"And therefore?"
"... ... A WITCH!!!"
by aaronak November 9, 2004
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Pronounced with silent T's at the end of both words.

The Colbert Report is a television show on Comedy Central that airs at 11:30 PM, Eastern Time. Starring Stephen Colbert, the show makes fun of media pundits who comment on news stories.
line that starts every show: "This is the Colbert Report!"
by aaronak May 2, 2006
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The protrusion into our dimension of a vastly hyperintelligent pandimensional being. The mice run the Earth, and it was they who paid for the Magratheans to build it.
The whole business with the cheese and the squeaking is just a front.
by aaronak January 14, 2005
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1) The official name of the new Nintendo Console. Previously known by its codename, Revolution.
Mom: What's all that noise?
Little Johnny: I'm in my room playing with my Wii!
by aaronak April 28, 2006
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Mostly used by people attempting to remove entries on UD.
I would guess that at least 90% of the definitions here are NUS.
by aaronak October 20, 2004
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