3 definitions by Your mom eating waffles

Things you throw threw the window, eat, and toast, you can also put it in the microwave!
“Man I really like throwing children threw the window
by Your mom eating waffles October 29, 2019
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A legendary meme, a lol, a astronaut, a dog, a dinosaur, your mom, your toaster, everything!
by Your mom eating waffles October 29, 2019
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So one who breaks up with you even though you dated her for 2 years, she is a very shy, foolish, ignorant, dead inside person, she is fine in beauty, but can be confused as majestic and beautiful, she can sometimes be nice, kind, or even generous and loving, but not always, :( she broke up with me :((((((
“Why are you such a kierah?”
by Your mom eating waffles October 29, 2019
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