3 definitions by YOUWISHYOUKNEW

The incredibly rude act of walking up to a person while they ar engaging in something private, like a phone call, and just standing there waiting for them to turn and address you, even though they are obviously projecting the feeling of, "could you please step the fuck away, so I can finish my obviously private phone call!"
I was talking to a valued friend about the difficulties in dealing with life's problems, while at the same time trying to effeciently do one's job, and this snot-nosed Intern just walked up behind me, and was commiting the act of hoverage
by YOUWISHYOUKNEW July 19, 2006
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Super cool girl. Usually has emo friends, is very loyal, and sweet. Usually has blue eyes and coloured hair. Shes really nice, likes good music, and reads amazing books. One of the best people you'll meet. She wears glasses and has really pretty blue eyes, her hair is naturally blonde/brown and shes kind of pale. Shes usually super proud of her heritage, because shes usually a dual citizen. One glance and you'll love her forever, even though she usually hasn't has any/many boyfriends.
Girl 1: Wow, what a cool girl over there. Look at her hair is so cool!
Girl 2: Oh, yeah, thats a Kaylee.
by YOUWISHYOUKNEW October 22, 2012
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