16 definitions by Y'all are Stupid

Each month has had something terrible happen, meaning this year is awful. Currently, it is August. So allow me give something back in each month:
January: World War 3 and Kobe Bryant'd death
February: Australian Fires
March: Coronavirus
April: Quarantining
May: Protest
June: Fuel Spill in Russia
July: California Fires
August: Beirut Explosion
I wonder how any of this could get any worse, 2020 is a disaster
by Y'all are Stupid August 24, 2020
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The worst year of all time in human history. Every month involved a thing or two that made this year terrible so far. Here is a list:

January: World War 3 and Kobe Bryant's death
February: Australian fires
March: Coronavirus
April: Quarantining
May: Rioting and Looting of businesses in every major US City as well as other major cities outside the US
June: Locust in Africa and an oil spill in Russia
July: California Fires
August: Beirut Explosion in Lebanon
September: Cuties
2020 is a disaster. And to think it is only September, oh god.
by Y'all are Stupid September 14, 2020
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A mysterious coincidence that happens when a typists is so bored that they type all letters in the keyboard from left to right. Most of the time, they type this into a search engine such as google, yahoo, Internet Explorer, ect.
Typist: Im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored (Goes on Google and types qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm)
by Y'all are Stupid May 15, 2018
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How the government tortures kids ages 5-18. The government forces each student to get up at 6:00 in the morning to get ready to go to school at 7:45 in the morning and are there until 3:30. The government tries to tell us that we "learn" things we'll need in the future, yet we actually need much of it. Most kids like me actually enjoy learning a ton. Let's take speed of sound for example. I enjoy learning about the sound barrier and what happens when it's broke, but I just hate the fact I'm forced to memorize the speed of sound and other crappy stuff. What's worse is that you get tested on it, and if you fail, that's too bad, it defeats the purpose. If kids were to be left on their devices to learn themselves, I bet you they won't ever want to come back home after school. Also if freaking Physical Education was taken out too. It's the reason why bullying rates are so high as little 6th graders who aren't strong but extremely intelligent are being bullied by jock head 8th grade football players who already lost their virginity to some cheerleaders. It would also decrease the suicide rates in teens.
Public school is dumb, nothing makes sense. Students don't learn, they just memorize facts and get bullied by jocks.
by Y'all are Stupid October 9, 2018
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A man who can get away with anything that is NOT armed robbery
OJ Simpson may have gotten away with murder, but he got caught trying to commit armed robbery.
by Y'all are Stupid November 16, 2020
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The best human to ever live. He exposes predators and gets them arrested. He is the greatest human to ever exist and always restores my faith in this broken world.
Chris Hansen is a legend
by Y'all are Stupid December 1, 2020
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