16 definitions by XyourXworstXnightmareX

refers to the time 1:50am, as there is never shit going on at 1:50am, so it is completely broke ass
Scott: "Hey, bitch, what are you doin'?"

Danny: "Nothin, why would I be doin' anything? There ain't shit to do, it's broke o'clock."
by XyourXworstXnightmareX January 23, 2005
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A person who attends Greek events simply to get the complimentary t-shirt promoting the date party.
"Sweet shirt, frat-bro. When did you hand out with the tri-delts? Aren't they skanks?"

"Sure are, dude. But, one chick in my 0-level math class asked me to the Helter Delta Skelter date party where I got this neat shirt."

"You're such a shirt whore."
by XyourXworstXnightmareX June 2, 2006
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