5 definitions by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker

The speed at which all Marvel universe movies begin to appear alike.
Wow, Iron Man 2's marvelocity rating is off the chart.
by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker October 22, 2017
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When hungover and you feel so terrible that you feel like you are dying, then you feel worse when you realise that you will survive.
I had a huge night last night, now I have an extreme case of hungover tears
by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker October 22, 2017
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Extreme level of annoying behaviour, reached only when people go on and on and on about their gym visits.
Johnno is going on about his gym visits again, man he is annoygym!
by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker October 22, 2017
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What happens when go on YouTube to watch one video and then suddenly realise several hours have gone by.
I feel into a massive YouTubehole last night, one video become 300...
by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker October 22, 2017
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The feeling you get during the night when you ready need to pee but keep putting it off instead of just going and getting it over with.
All night I had the worse case of procrasturination, I should have just gone straight away.
by Wurdsmyth von Cokesucker October 22, 2017
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