9 definitions by WordsthatareRandom

The place where everyone makes cob jokes and everyone names have cob in their name. To find the source of the cob town visit PigStand.
The CobStand is a place to hangout with people.
by WordsthatareRandom May 25, 2019
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a form of DJ that guests or fans request the gamer(host) to play the requested video game and provide mutiplayers and giveaways .For example Saker from Caffeine.
The VGJ is a new form of DJing.
by WordsthatareRandom May 20, 2019
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Killing any and all trolls without even trying. The King of the Troll Killers is Nick from PigStand.
The Troll Killer just killed a few trolls.
by WordsthatareRandom May 20, 2019
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A person who thinks any and all things should be done how they want it and should be given free things.
The Entitled Person wishes they got the item for free.
by WordsthatareRandom May 20, 2019
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The place where people with (and without) gutter heads hangout and have fun talking about any and all things.
The PigStand is the place to be for a talk show on Caffeine.
by WordsthatareRandom May 20, 2019
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