5 definitions by Wolfe

The art of stepping AFK unannounced (away from keyboard) using the stealth of a ninja, so that your on-line buddies didn't even notice you were gone.
"Frank was ninjafk for so long this time, he was sure he'd be caught and tortured"
by Wolfe January 4, 2005
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Michael Moore's F.A.T.A.S.S.

His Fully Automated Threat Alert and Security System. Designed to keep him in good with liberal tree-huggers, while he eats big macs, whoppers, and 5 buckets of chicken.
by Wolfe October 12, 2004
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Animal or human with two penises attached to its body
The snake overlord shoved both its hemipenises inside of me.
by Wolfe July 11, 2003
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1. A term used, derogatorily or otherwise, to describe a man who is sexually attracted to another of the same sex (Synonymous to gay, homosexual, etc).

From: To wolf, meaning to consume quickly or with vigour.
"What a wolfe!"

"Look, I already told you he's a wolfe, just ask him out already!"
by Wolfe November 16, 2004
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Similar to the classic dutch oven, a Dutch Easy Bake Oven refers to a situation when a fart travels within an individual's garment, up to their face for smelling.
Because of my snow gear, i threw up while snowboarding and experiencing a Dutch Easy Bake Oven.
by Wolfe February 22, 2006
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