3 definitions by Wisher

A boy who brakes your heart in two then leaves you gor another girl only to say he used you because she didn't want to get with joe until after he had had the other girl then he decided to run to her and hurt the other girl. Very mean boy with a small pp
"Ewww its joe"

"Cant believe him"
by Wisher April 11, 2020
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A tall, athletic man/young man with dark brown, short curly hair. Acts professional when he needs too but has a heart pure like gold, and can comfort people by just words. Needs to realise what’s good and what’s bad for him sooner rather than later. Stays calm in rough situations and only cry’s on his own.
“Adam helped me today even if he didn’t know he did so”
by Wisher October 21, 2018
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A tall, athletic and funny guy. Very good at fitting in with different types of people, and can take leadership when he needs to. Professional most of the time and doesn’t want to show emotion but has a kind heart and cares for people when they need a shoulder. Needs to realise what’s right in front of him before it’s too late. Tough guy who strides to make sure things happen in the right way even way he faces obstacles, only cry’s when nobody is watching. Very intelligent and can see when things need to be done. Wants things he can’t gets but doesn’t realise what things what him.

I wish I had an Adam.
“I saw Adam today, acting just like his usual self
by Wisher October 21, 2018
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