3 definitions by WiseWordsFromLemons

The act of being on facebook while fucking.
Ah shit man, I was talking to this girl I like and it turns out she was "fuckbooking."

Bet you wish you were on the better behind of that one!
by WiseWordsFromLemons March 1, 2011
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The attractive friends of a significant other one may introduce to their friends.
So I need to make my ex jealous, does your girlfriend have any satellite hotties you can introduce me to?

by WiseWordsFromLemons January 24, 2011
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When a guy REALLY like the Jonas Brothers, usually in a creepy stalker-fan fashion.
A: "We need one more guy for COD, should we call Alex?"

B: "No, hes busy. He went to the Jonas Brothers concert tonight."

A: "Ah, hes gone a Jo Bro Homo!"
by WiseWordsFromLemons August 11, 2010
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