10 definitions by Wisdom Seeker

Electrically driven Gatling guns used by the military in aircraft, vehicle and maritime applications to hose the enemy with an overwhelming volume of lead or depleted uranium rounds at rates of fire up to 6,000 rounds a minute.
When the Air Force's A-10 Warthog opens up with its Buzz Gun the enemy knows death comes on silent wings showing no mercy upon those fighters, who would dare to attack our Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines.
by Wisdom Seeker April 8, 2018
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Corrupt politicians, who take political campaign contributions in exchange for selling the collective representative authority of their constituents and their constituents' constitutional rights to empower a wealthy minority to oppress, exploit and enslave the democracy the elected representatives were charged to promote and defend.
Republicans and democrats have proven themselves to be plutocratic pacifiers with their unfounded war in Iraq, corporate bail outs and refusal to reform a corrupt financial system that destroyed the American Dream for millions of Americans.
by Wisdom Seeker June 6, 2015
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An individual, who is paid an enormous sum of money for doing absolutely nothing while fellow workers must carry his or her sorry, trifling ass.
The supervisor delegates all his reponsiblilties to his subordinates. He is just another paycheck sucker.
by Wisdom Seeker April 26, 2013
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