12 definitions by William Woody

Painful feeling in your chest that makes you think you are going to die. Common after eating spicy foods or if you have acid reflux.

"My heart feels like its going to explode, Ive got heartburn"

"Fucking bad genes give me heartburn"
by William Woody July 22, 2005
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A fun prank to pull on your friends while theyre distracted. Quickly say homosaywhat, theyll say what, hilarity will ensue.
Good times are had when calling friends homos. Especially when using homosaywhat.
by William Woody February 16, 2006
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Fucking Man Boobs

The act of rubbing your penis all over an older mans boobs. Works best with chest hair.
"Dude, me and Bob had such a good time FMB all night"

"I like FMB, its the only thing I live for"
by William Woody August 26, 2005
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The coolest thing to scream over Xbox live everytime you hit/kill/pwn/dominate anyone.
<1337haxx0r69> OMG SHORYUKEN!!!11!!!111!!!11!!!!1
<Icantplaygames> u r annoying, go get a g/f dude
<1337haxx0r69> I have one...jenny .jpeg
by William Woody November 30, 2005
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1. The act of getting what is essentially getting a nights sleep in a fraction of the time.

2. An afternoon nap to keep you up later that night.
"Whew, had to power nap last night. Exams = pwning me."

"Hey, I gotta power nap for a bit so I can mack on some bitches. Ill see ya in a few."

"I had to power nap last night when Jen got done with me, especially after she brought those ponies in."
by William Woody January 11, 2006
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The perfect definition of emo, another band like Green Day listened to while cutters slice their arms up.
<Abused Emo Child> I like The Used
<Sane Person> I like your mom in my bed
<Abused Emo Child> OMG!!11!!1!!!1!1eleventyone!!1 Im gonna go slice up my body
<Sane Person> Try your jugular
by William Woody November 30, 2005
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"Im going to go empty my urine sack now"

"Dont make me pour my urine sack all over you"

"Black people cant hold their urine sack, so they get out of class"
by William Woody July 22, 2005
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