13 definitions by Who toucha my spaghett?

A term used to describe a man with large man boobs and/or butt, which often arouses the majority of males within seconds of sight.
"Damn, boi, you lookin' pretty OUBEECE."
by Who toucha my spaghett? December 10, 2018
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An intelligent-sounding synonym for intelligent.
“Because I watch anime, I am quite uqliquient.”
by Who toucha my spaghett? December 10, 2018
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A term to describe an individual who is completely unconscious of their flaws or stupidity.
“I hate Mark, he’s so mirrorless.”
by Who toucha my spaghett? December 10, 2018
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A term used to describe an abnormally small penis.
Lemme see yo pehnis, boi.”

“Penis? No, you got a pehnis.”
by Who toucha my spaghett? December 10, 2018
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A term used to describe a painful mixture of smell and sound.
“The ape’s scream was quite osinuous, prompting me to wrinkle my nose and hold my ears.”
by Who toucha my spaghett? December 10, 2018
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A term used to describe an individual who is so stupidly inept at English that they struggle to even vibrate their vocal chords in a manner even remotely acceptable by English speakers. Examples of sentence structures and (non-existent) terms that these individuals will use include:

-More better
-More gooder
"Rafe is so English'stn't."
by Who toucha my spaghett? December 10, 2018
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