20 definitions by Who Cares?

something so caked up like something a mac daddy would have you have to say DAMN!!
by Who Cares? March 30, 2003
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I cannot understand this activitiy. Innocent lives are taken. A sport is fair, refereed, this is a free-for-all in the name of nothing. Some may misinterperate this as putting animals above humans, it's not it is giving them a chance to live the life they have been given without it being wrecked.
Fox runs, person chases, fox dies. Oh how fun.
by Who Cares? February 7, 2005
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pot, cannibis, weed, marajuana, the magical herb, god's gift to earth, the 11th ingridient in KFC. used as a term for pot in africa, literally "holy smokes" in afrikaans.
man try smokin his shit, this dagga is crazy!
by Who Cares? March 30, 2003
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A term used by khesse abouzeid to call Ronnie Nader.

It can get pretty annoying, but that's ok. He's used to it now.
mmmm! dudeo
by Who Cares? June 26, 2004
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Stamina is the ability to last for a decent amount of time when doing an activity - usually a long or particularily straining activity such as a marathon, without becoming too exhasted or tired.
I lasted the whole football match - I have good stamina!

My stamina is excellent - I won a marathon
by Who Cares? January 27, 2006
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We pwned them.
by Who Cares? August 15, 2003
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