15 definitions by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow

When that which you ought to do is not that which you do.
"If only they didn't become as psychotically obsessed as they did over that thing because they wouldn't have a police report on then now if they didn't engage in that idiocy."
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 5, 2020
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The psychological shadow of dishonesty, it is the willing exchange of the truth for a lie, because the lie is more palatable.
Those in denial can concoct even the strangest of fictions, but the Truth is stranger than Fiction; for we have made the Fiction to suit ourselves.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 24, 2013
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Love is that thing, that feeling, that state of being that takes the empty isolation within ourselves and imbues it with light; the color of the canvas of our souls. The warmth that fills you as you think about the one you love is indescribable, irreplaceable, and you do nothing but smile; for there is nothing you want to do but smile; there's nothing you CAN do except smile. The memories and thoughts of them make themselves known without warning; and all you can do is resist, but you'd rather surrender. It compels you, but its coercion is freeing.

It's so much more than mere caring, mere affection, mere emotion: it's that which makes you feel most yourself; for in Loving them, you are yourself. The mere idea of losing them, or harm coming to them, breaks your heart; for you are broken with them. You are no longer two, distinct people, but one, united being; one man, one woman, one flesh.

The very aim of Love is to bind itself unto the thing Beloved. If it doesn't, it's something else- its empty shadow (and even shadows are real). Love- True, Romantic Love- is not something which you give to another, but that which you choose to give no other- for there is no other to whom you wish to give it.

There's a saying that Love is blind, but True Love isn't; for it sees things as they are- faults and all- and Loves them anyway.

These three words carry the weight of the world: "I Love you."
Person 1: "I Love you."

Person 2: "I Love you, too."
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Something that can only be given away. So, give it to those who matter.
Love God, yourself, your friends, and your family. Give THEM your time.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 17, 2013
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The state of being in which one's participation in their consciousness is no longer passive, but active; where one does not see WITH the eye, but THROUGH it.
In self-awareness, it is not the eye that sees, but the "I" that sees.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow July 10, 2013
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Being alone isn't loneliness. Loneliness is being alone when you desire otherwise.
Solitude is the wanted withdrawal of oneself. Loneliness is the unwanted withdrawal of others.
by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 18, 2013
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