4 definitions by Wee mikey
Bloody hell Jock ,That black eye and fat lip are massive .Mind you that slash along your check isn't much better. I see that you were player 1 on Mortal Kombat again ?
by Wee mikey May 8, 2022
A confusing look on someone's face when they don't understand the Question or the joke that you just shared .
Tommy was so confused when his date asked for 10 pints of lager to wash down a bag of peanuts he had a face like a chimp trying to open a yellow dildo
by Wee mikey May 8, 2022
by Wee mikey May 8, 2022
Lift the fat up Bert and I can guarantee that you will find her last boyfriend living off the sweat line
See that lass at the bar ? Aye ! Well I bet you a tenner that if you Lift The Fat up you will find her last boyfriends living off the sweat lines .
by Wee mikey May 8, 2022