4 definitions by WayneDarcy
Anatomy as stated. His tongue has seen, touched and been places many of us have only read about it books. It is an unstoppable force of nature and should be revered and celebrated as an icon and international symbol of peace.
I'm not sure what to do this weekend, but I can guarantee that I will let Gene Simmon's Tongue be my guide!
by WayneDarcy September 13, 2009
During anal intercourse with a select female (or male), empty your entire bladder into her (his) anus. After completion, have her (him) turn around and crap that bum pee out - sometimes onto you.
After Earl left last night, I pounded his wife in the ass and cleaned her out with The Yugoslavian Enema.
by WayneDarcy October 7, 2008
When your lover is laying patiently on the bed, you set yourself onto the bed post. Then, you leap off as high as you can while stretching out your scrotum out as far and wide as possible in an effort to glide down onto her face, just like the Alberta Flying Squirrel does when leaping out from the tree branches.
by WayneDarcy October 7, 2008
This phrase is used to describe what is happening when a person is scoring with so many people sexually during a summer or a "season" that they know they could never repeat or duplicate the experience. This is based off of Bernie Nicholls, a retired NHL hockey player, who once scored 70 goals and 150 points during the 88-89 season, but never once came close to that amount before or after that.
"Dude, these days every girl you talk to seems to want to get your number. You gotta keep this streak up, as this is your Bernie Nicholls season!"
by WayneDarcy October 21, 2020