4 definitions by Verydisney

mean the greatest imagination thinker, arguably an annoying person but you can’t help but love him. a word used to describe a smart, loving, handsome and muscular person with washboard abs
Omg! Stop being such an annoying Syaiful
by Verydisney January 18, 2021
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She’s nice and reliable for any situation you need her in. Mainly an asshole, bitchy in nature to her friends and close ones. She’ll laugh her ass off when you fall down before helping you. Beautiful and smart but cunning at the same time. Don’t be fooled by her innocence.
Having a love hate relationship but kinda need Nadimah in my life.
by Verydisney November 22, 2021
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It means wise companion, intimate friend and trust worthy.
Nadimah is a friend I’d wanna have.
by Verydisney November 22, 2021
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Intimate friend, companion, fem. of Nadim. Wise and trusted one.
All I need is a trusted friend like Nadimah
by Verydisney November 23, 2021
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