375 definitions by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY

An old oily, damp, bloody cloth caused by usage by wiping pubic areas.
God damn that shirt looks like a fuckrag!
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY February 18, 2003
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One of the best watches and chrongraphs at a mid-high price range, endorsed by many celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Tiger Woods, Jeff Gordon, Maria Sharapova, Uma Thurman and many more.

The company motto is "Swiss Avant-Garde Since 1860".
A Tag Heuer stopwatch can be seen and heard in the opening of the CBS news program 60 Minutes.
In 1962, Tag Heuer became the first Swiss watchmaker in space, after John Glenn wore one on the first US manned space flight to orbit the earth.
Mark- "Just got my new Tag Heuer Watch yesterday!"
Tim- " Damn, how much did that cost??"
Mark" More than Your used Rolex!"
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY October 21, 2007
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A person who looks/acts like someone who would hump boringly, quickly, and selfishly during the act of mating. This person would also finish his or her climax in a annoying seizure like manner, followed by insincere apologies.
Typically spotted wearing Ratt t-shirts, stone washed jeans, cotton muscle sweat pants, cut-off denim shorts, cell phone clips, high school class rings, colored tube socks with LA Gear sneakers, confederate flag fashions of any kind, brass knuckles, Kiss tattoos, Oakley sunglasses indoors, being shirtless in inappropriate locations, turtle necks under sweaters, and anything close to or including a mullet.

"Whoa, look at that Thruster! I'll bet he gives it hard and fast!"

(Pointing out a loud, stuck in 80's metal, mullet-head) "That guy is a serious Thruster!"
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY May 30, 2005
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1) A nickname given to only the extremely intellegent, sexy, cool, and person that is better than you
2) A compliment.
3) A cookie.
1) Yo Nutter Butter! Lure that hot girl over here, then figure out string theory.
2) He's so suave, what a Nutter Butter.
3) Mmm, I LOVE Nutter Butters.
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY May 21, 2005
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The theory that, no matter on what forum, if something mildly controversial comes up, Nazis will eventually be brought up as a counterpoint, and discussed.
"The court ruled that the 4th-grader passing out Jesus fliers was ok."
"I bet they would have ruled differently if she'd been passing out Nazi fliers."
"Yeah, because Jesus and Hitler are totally the same."
"Jeez, the Nazi Theory of Internet really surfaced fast on this one."
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY April 3, 2007
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Music that Americans CAN NOT MAKE. Interpol, The Killers, The Shins, these are examples of worthless American 'indie' bands. Good indie bands with a message and style include: Babyshambles, The Cribs, The Arctic Monkeys, wow how about that they are all ENGLISH.
Indie rock is the best genre of music these days.
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY September 12, 2005
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a way of agreeing with an action, plan, or idea.

-taken from Shop Boyz popular song Party Like A Rockstar.
"hey let's go see that new movie tonight"

"totally dudes!"
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY September 3, 2007
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