10 definitions by Unquestionably Burdensome

A candidate in any election that is a complete joke and no one expects to make past the primaries.
Man that guy is such a troll candidate there is no way he makes it past the primaries.

HiS PoLiCiEs ArE sO GoOd, HoW cOuLd YoU sAy ThAt!
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Richard Nixon’s Segregationist Vice President who wholeheartedly embraced the Greek Spirit of Corruption and was ousted on corruption charges not related to the Water Gate Scandal.
“Hey that Greek President committed such a Spiro Agnew by giving his illiterate second cousin control over the Treasury Department”
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Accomplished Businessman and Potential Republican Candidate for US President in the 2024 US Presidential election.

Is currently polling at less than 1% nationally despite pouring tens of millions of dollars into his campaign.

Attempted to run for the office of governor in the state of Michigan but was unable to appear on the ballot after it was discovered the 9,400 of the 15,000 signatures necessary to appear on the ballot were fraudulent.

Believes that ‘shaving’ 2 cents off of every dollar spent by the federal government “year after year” is enough to eliminate the federal deficit.

A Troll Candidate that will still somehow do better than Ron DeSantis.
Damn it’s crazy that Perry Johnson managed to beat out Ron DeSantis for the Republican presidential endorsement after Donald J. Trump left the party and ran independently.

Yeah but at least the government debt crisis will be solved with the 2 cents plan
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