4 definitions by Unknown15673

The act of running inti your brother taking a dump and repeatedly slapping his luscious breasts while making him call you daddy.
by Unknown15673 July 7, 2022
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The act of sticking your massive cock into a semi-skimmed full fat milk carton and repeatedly taking big nigger draws and raping your brother.
I dont snap stinkers

Omg theres no diluted

Titywanks, blowjob lips

The dirty harbo is my go to party trick
by Unknown15673 July 8, 2022
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Liam is a annoying boy ,but can be nice sometimes,but not all the time.
He is a weird, attention seeking autism.
He can be fiesty and sometimes lonely, most liams are the best you'll meet but don't say a word about what they eat or about there family or they'll most likely headbut you and you'll end of beating him up.
Liams are usually ugly and have a very bad sense of humor, however most girls like him as a friend and most people dont think he'll ever have a girlfriend because his friend probably took his crush.
He is a crybaby when he doesn't get his way and is normally by himself and will only talk to a few people about it ,but normally he's looking attention.
Omg is that Liam,i dont even like him.
Why does Liam always have to come out!
He's so ugly,must be a Liam.
by Unknown15673 August 19, 2019
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The act of smoking a big fat nigger joint while his homies wife is perfectly perched on his cock, while watching snoop play warzone.
Here mate I heard dirty darragh shagging your missus
by Unknown15673 July 7, 2022
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