2 definitions by TurkishCobra

Being fed an inaccurate version of events by someone as a means to their own ends.
I got asked to clear out a lockup garage last week. The owner told me it just had 6 beds in there, it was packed to the brim with shit. I got properly Andro'd
by TurkishCobra August 23, 2017
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Moraying something is always a negative and is something to be avoided. To Moray something is to mess something up, make a terrible decision, shoot yourself in the foot, cause yourself a large amount of undue stress/drama, or something of that nature. It is often something that could have been easily avoided with a little thought, common sense or forward thinking.
John: Did you hear what Tom did to his mums car?

Jane: No, what happened?

John: He decided to drive his mums car really fast while drunk AND high on weed and coke. He crashed it and ended up rolling the car over.

Jane: OMG, what!? What a moray!

John: I know, he morayed the shit out of it!
by TurkishCobra August 10, 2020
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