10 definitions by Trojan

if a white midget was to escape from the circus and buy a bucket of chicken, and sum of the skin stuck in his teeth. say this skin was then sent of to fre-rensicks to be examined, the small peice of skin would become a "chalooba"
that peice of skin is proper chalooba bo
by Trojan April 13, 2005
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When your semen is so thick that your able to impregnate a woman at a young age
Jack: The doctor suggested I stay away from women for a while
Sally: Why?
Jack: Because I have Themen
by Trojan November 4, 2019
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a game were 2 or more home boys sit with there legs spread on the floor with there big fat boners. they then take there ho and try and chuck it to land on there dick.
"shit bro, throw dat ho"
by Trojan April 13, 2005
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