4 definitions by Trisepticon 4

To do something to someone else that was uncalled for and stupid, thus making yourself look like a total douche

If douchebag is the noun, then this is the verb.
That guy just tripped that lady into a water puddle. That was such a douchebag move.
by Trisepticon 4 July 6, 2009
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A phrase that rolls off the tongue to describe a bull charging at you as fast as it can. Usually said whilst dodging or getting hit.
Man #1: Eek-A-Moo!

Man #2: Maybe we should tell him to take his red shirt off....
by Trisepticon 4 June 23, 2009
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#1: A person who has a history of killing jokes

#2: A person you try to avoid because they kill jokes so much
Guy #1: Why did the chicken cross the street?
Guy #2: Why?
Guy #1: To get to the other side!
Guy #1 + Guy #2: *Laugh*
Guy #3: Haha, Yeah. Like what was it thinking crossing a dangerous street like that?
Guy #1: heh.... haha
Guy #3: Like, "Hey, look at me i'm a chicken!" haha
Guy #2: *sigh*
Guy #3: I wonder if a cop would arrest the chicken for jaywalking. haha
Guy #1: Was i even talking to you?
Guy #3: ....I'll go back to my hole now. *walks away*
Guy #2: Dude, what a joke hitler.
by Trisepticon 4 July 4, 2009
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To pass gas around someone that looks like they'd be the one that broke the wind, thus making everyone around said person to blame him.
Dude, i just fart framed that fat guy over there.
by Trisepticon 4 July 6, 2009
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