8 definitions by Tris Penkal

To have a massive ego bigger than any other.
Tris 1: I am the greatest person that was ever born, greatest person that will ever be born and sexy and funny in between lessons while having a greatness break from being so great.

Ego Maniac

Tris 2: (Bows) We are not worthy.
by Tris Penkal September 27, 2006
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A Hummercide is where you go on a murderous rampage in a hummer.
Tris: I just watched, on the news, a Hummercide on the freeway, 167 people were killed from the H3.
by Tris Penkal December 18, 2006
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A really great actress, a truly beautiful lady, and deserves more than given.
Tris: Jennifer, will you marry me?

Jennifer Aniston: Sure.

Tris: Wahoo! Screw you Brad Pitt!
by Tris Penkal October 23, 2006
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A tog head is a person or persons with a tog in their head. A tog is a dumb cell.
Tris: James, you are a toghead.

James: WHAT!

by Tris Penkal November 2, 2006
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Meaning good, great, grand and wonderful.

But only used to comment on an electrical item.
Your PSP is burgage!
by Tris Penkal March 3, 2007
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Secn means good, great, grand, wonderful.

A compliment of an object not a person.
Wow, your TV is secn!
by Tris Penkal March 3, 2007
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