39 definitions by Trent Kuver

1. A dorky person trying to act like they are in the mob and coming off very cheesy.
2. Cheese that is so good, it MADE the dish it was in.
3. A cheesy remake of Cinderella by the Mafia.
Look at that clown over there, acting like a fool.
What a mobsterella.
Yah, I mean give me a break.... His name is Xavier.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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To laminate with force. To have one object become connected with another object due to an impact or a high level of speed or force applied.
Joey tried to do a kick flip off of those stairs. I thought he was going to slaminate his face to the pavement!
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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When you are cooking something not from a recipe and keep adding this and that to improve the taste and it turns out right.
Experimenting with a combo of flavors and having it taste good.
I made a peanut butter, banana, onion and pickle sandwich the other day with a flavorable result.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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Being online for what seems like forever. Staying on the Internet for way too long.
I was online last night for what seemed like an Internety!
by Trent Kuver May 7, 2008
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Talkative, but on a keyboard. Someone who types long entries in chat or sends long messages or mails online. Someone who suffers from this can be said to type your eyes off.
Conjunction_vitus sure was typeative the other day.
The other day? That's normal for him!!
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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When you type and can't seem to type correctly. Transposing letters in a word because one finger wants to keystroke before it should. When typing, adding a space in the middle of a word or where it does not belong. Constantly having to click backspace to correct the problem.
I don't know what my deal was in chat last night, must have been spastic finger syndrome.
by Trent Kuver May 7, 2008
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