5 definitions by Titus


A county in Maryland in which one must always bring tennis shoes to party, cause you gonna b runnin from da cops eventually; a county in which peeps roll deep with their wallets even deeper, and where Prep runs shit, period.
Prep senior 1: shit, cops got me runnin from my own damn house!
Prep senior 2:it's aiight we're rich
by Titus January 12, 2005
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meat cigar

a long 60 ring hard, erect cigar between a man's legs made of man meat. like any cigar a meat cigar gets smaller (turns into a cigar butt) after it's been smoked (or blown).
she smoked his seven inch meat cigar so thoroughly that his cigar was only a half inch long after she got done smoking it.
by Titus June 16, 2004
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term used to describe the Leo's sexual orientation; btw, I dont know a Leo, but perhaps you do.
Dont take that out Leo, fucking fagotron.
by Titus May 2, 2003
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when a man and a woman have sex, then the man cums all over the woman
The girl was covered in cum after the fiesta
by Titus March 24, 2004
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En skarp smerte slog ned og rev hende ud af sin vågne dvale. Hun bandede stille. Tidligere den dag havde den samme smerte nær fået hende til at kludre i sin præsentation af gruppens nyeste reklamekoncept.

-What the fuck that means, I dont know.
EK Großeinkauf eG Licht & Concept Tageskupfer Eine Fachgruppe der EK Großeinkauf eG "perfekt."
by Titus May 2, 2003
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