10 definitions by Tina Ballance

When you are reunited with an old school chum after a ridiculous amount of time through one or the other of those high school websites.
It was so cool to see Beth after 20 years. Who would have believed I would have refriended her!!!
by Tina Ballance April 10, 2008
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A person who puts anything and everything on their ipod!!!
They are not picky, and will get up on any sort of download.
"She is such a podwhore, she has Limp Bizkit, Tom Jones and 2 "freecreditreport.com" commercials on that defiled ipod!"
by Tina Ballance May 22, 2008
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A person who shops obsessively and then returns everything. The buying or binging brings the "high" or emotional rush, and the returning allows them to still pay the mortgage.
Stacey trips me out, she is such a shopping bulemic. She shops and shops and shops but never keeps anything. Wal Mart is so gonna ban her from the store.
by Tina Ballance April 20, 2008
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