3 definitions by Tigerdeeznuts

what the person on discord said to you
person 1: Do you like to eat candy?
person 2: Yes
person 1: candies nuts fit in your mouth
by Tigerdeeznuts November 11, 2021
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If someone replies "ok" to your message, they all have different meanings in the way punctuation is.
Here are all the possible replies:

Either they are one phone which autocorrects ok into OK, or they are really agreeing with you

They are, again, either on phone or they are sick of whatever crap you were talking about

The most relaxed way of saying ok, nothing to worry about

Either they are actually asking you a question, or they are done with you and wanna get the hell out

You're talking to discord mods

They understand and wish to proceed

Another way of saying "alright alright calm down"

They don't agree with you

You are talking to a girl, or someone whose overly enthusiastic

They either have broken 'o' and 'k' or they are exited
person one: Wanna come to my house
person 2: ok? (means no)
person 3: k (alright)
person 4: oki (happily)
by Tigerdeeznuts November 11, 2021
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Hornet's attack voice line, from the indie video game Hollow Knight by Team Cherry.
Player: ...
Hornet: Drosi kalimo
Hornet: SHAW!
by Tigerdeeznuts May 30, 2023
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