2 definitions by Threwn

Fucky Bri ish modder who did something one time that people liked.
Wow, Threwn has a pfp of Saul Goodman, maybe he’s an alt of other Bri ish gameplay modder Mophead with Saul Goodman as his pfp too
by Threwn December 6, 2020
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A fan of the Star Wars episodic series The Mandalorian’s antagonist Moff Gideon. They sport Moff Gideon profile pictures on discord and are usually bullied by people who hate Gideon/whitenames.
Person 1: Wow, that GideonFan is such an elitist modder
Person 2: Yep, he’s even friends with Robin, too!
by Threwn December 21, 2020
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