3 definitions by Thekidwhoisakidthatgoestomps

a school district in Milwaukee that has some of the best and worst schools in Wisconsin. Also one of the worst district in Wisconsin.
Bob: Damn, MPS sucks!

Tommy: Man, fuck MPS and all it's schools.

Remmy: Why are you dissing MPS?

Tom and Bob: Cuz Remmy, MPS sucks and its the worst district in Wisconsin.
by Thekidwhoisakidthatgoestomps January 25, 2011
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A best friend that you can call sis-sis instead of sis. Female version of brobro. Guys can have a best friend that is a girl that you can call sis-sis and nothing is going on or no one is going out.. Normally if you are best friends you can treat her like a real sister. You can love her like a real sister say I love you like you say to a real sister. Basically best friends.
Jason: Wow Chelsea, we have been friends for years now and I proud to call you my sis-sis.

Chelsea: Thanks Jason! Can I call you brobro?

Jason: Sure sis-sis.

Chelsea: Love ya brobro.

Jason: Love ya sis-sis.
by Thekidwhoisakidthatgoestomps January 25, 2011
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Someone who is a wimpy kid at a MPS school. Normally starts stuff and don't follows up on the stuff he/she pulled.
Kid 1: Oh, God! He just another Becker!

Kid 2: Wow, I used to look up to that kid.
by Thekidwhoisakidthatgoestomps January 25, 2011
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