56 definitions by TheWiggidy

The three most evil words in the world orignally sung by the most evil bum in the world.
by TheWiggidy April 3, 2004
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aimLoZeR:i got a pupee
by TheWiggidy October 12, 2003
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What Homestar says to try and copy Strong Bad.
"Hey cwapface! Blow it out yur eawr!"
by TheWiggidy October 12, 2003
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The halloween Fluffy Puffy Marshmellows! They taste the same,but look different!
"They're black! Doo doo! They're orange! Doo doo!"
by TheWiggidy October 22, 2003
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When MC Hammer found out about a sale for half price off parachute pants,he screamed like a little girl.
by TheWiggidy May 1, 2004
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1.A fat person
2.What Homsar calls Bubs
1."Hey tubs,your tubby!"
2."Hey Tubs! I just lost my Jengajam! WOAAAAAAAAHHHHHOOO!"
by TheWiggidy April 14, 2004
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Not caring about something.
Susie:Your house is on fire!
Bob:Oh well
by TheWiggidy April 19, 2004
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