9 definitions by The name

A fridige bitch, an over achieving whore who lacks her virginity
You're such and elly
by The name April 1, 2004
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the act of cumming countless times into a sock, letting it grow mold, and proceeding to slap someone unconscious with it whilst inserting the unholy item up their anal cavity
tom made a south carolina sockpuppet with his bros. they all complained about their ass hurting in the morning.
by The name October 3, 2022
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The act of hiring a preferably cheap prostitute and having her spray you with windex. Then she will mount you and proceed to run her high milage vagina all over your body which will then create the squeaky sound of a squeegee.
Bro I totally got rocket squeegeed last night!

Man that's just gross, seriously don't tell me these things.
by The name November 21, 2013
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A noun derived from the word spooge, can be used to refere to for someone who get's his knob polished too much
by The name April 1, 2004
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A special "base" where a relationship will not advance to first, Second, or third base due to the couple having Christian beliefs not to do stuff until age 32.
Look at those losers! They stay on the Bible Base!
by The name November 12, 2017
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A game where one drives a muffler deleted car through neighborhoods past 11 pm attempting to wake the sleeping individuals. You win the game if the person comes out of their house, chasing you.
The goons played Wake the Neighbor last night and almost got arrested.
by The name April 28, 2018
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How fast a black guy runs when he is about to get whipped by the police
the nigger went Whippity Split a cross the beanfield after the police took out the whip.
by The name November 24, 2016
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